Shopping from Japan
Made Easy

Shopping from Japan just got easier
Shop for anything from Japan

Over 4 million users/Partnered with over 150 Japanese stores/Ships to over 120 countries

Japan's largest purchase
support service, Buyee

Buyee is a reliable service created to meet the needs of international customers who wish to purchase Japanese products from online stores and Japanese shopping flea markets.

With the support of official stores such as Mercari, Rakuten, Yahoo! JAPAN Auction and Amazon Japan, you have immediate access to the Japanese marketplace with the support of our official stores. Enjoy professional package consolidation with the freedom to choose the shipping option that best suits your needs.

Japanese proxies are services that help people overseas to make purchases. This allows you to purchase Japanese goods from Japanese online stores that do not ship internationally. We act as a bridge, connecting you to local Japanese e-commerce stores.


Buyee Features

Buy from Japan !

Buy Japan-exclusive products from anywhere in the world !

Multilingual Support

No need to use Japanese. We support a wide range of languages.

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